Wednesday 16 July 2008

How do famous singers get famous?

Well they have talent I hear you cry , there different from me, though it is true that to be a famous singer you do have to have what many call natural talent, there is more, because if their wasn’t more then many more people would be famous as singers than there are presently, yes some luck is needed, but on top of all this there is training and practice and a strong will to succeed, however the confidence and the will to succeed would not been apparent with out environment and people surrounding them that developed and encouraged there talent, in a place where they felt comfortable to make mistakes or as I like to call it fail forward to greater things, far too often our latent talent is left to rot un nutured because we fear what others may say or do. Imagine what your voice would be like with vocal training and tips on how to improve? Click here to discover how take your singing voice from ordinary to extraordinary.

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